Legal Type: | Separate legal entity distinct from its parent company | Has no legal status, a temporary administrative arrangement | Not a separate legal entity but an extension of the parent company |
Liabilities: | Liabilities limited to subsidiary | Liabilities extend to parent company | Liabilities extend to parent company |
Entity Name: | Can be the same or different from parent company | Must be the same as parent company plus must include 'Representative Office' | Must be the same as the parent company |
Allowed Activities: | Can be the same or different from parent company | Can only conduct market research or feasibility studies | Must be the same as the parent company |
Validity Period: | Registered forever until closed | Has to be renewed every year up to a maximum of 3 years | Registered forever until closed |
Normal Registration Time: | 1-2 days | 3-5 days | 1-2 days |
Taxation: | Taxed as Singapore resident entity, local tax benefits available | Not applicable as representative office cannot generate income | Taxed as non-resident entity, local tax benefits not available |
Annual Filing: | Must file accounts of the Singapore subsidiary | Not applicable | Must file branch office as well as parent company's accounts |
Bank Account: | Can open bank account in Singapore | Can open bank account in Singapore to run the cost centre operations. Must be funded by the parent company. | Can open bank account in Singapore |
Staff Hiring: | No restrictions on hiring local or foreign staff | Chief Representative must be a staff member from the parent company. Can have only five employees. | No restrictions on hiring local or foreign staff |
Appointment of Officers: | Must appoint at least one local resident director | Must appoint a Chief Representative who will relocate from headquarters | Must appoint at least one local authorised representative |